Michael 12th June 2018

It is still like a dream or rather a nightmare to me. I'm talking about the passing of Dr. Cliff Ojukwu, my co-in-law who is also my friend, and mentor. Just last August he and his amiable wife, Chinwe, played host to myself and my entire family in their beautiful home in Birmingham. They had done this several times in the past. Each time we plan a holiday or a visit, their home was always open for us. Not only are we always welcome to their home, we are always given a royal treat to the extent that my children have developed a craving for their warmth and gifts which they always lavished on us. Our visit last August was not any different, but this time around we talked about children leaving home, slowing down at work and possibilities of retiring. He talked so much about his desire to give back and to assist our part of Nigeria in improving the health sector and possible medical intervention programs for a start. This conversation continued on the other side of the Atlantic where we both attended a wedding from his house. Little did I know that we were having our last face to face meeting and that I will have to be talking about Cliff in this manner at this time. We are missing you Cliff and will still miss you. You touched our lives so positively and you were such an inspiration to many. You are an achiever in many fronts and the big vacuum you left behind will be difficult to fill. You were exemplary in family life and your professional life where you did a good job of saving many lives. It is very difficult to understand why you have to leave us now, but we cannot question our maker who loves you more than we do. We however, take solace in your legacies and the indelible marks you left in our lives who are your family and friends and colleagues. Our prayer is that we in our own lives should make impacts in our various callings and communities during our sojourn here, seeing that it is not how long but how well. Goodnight Cliff and may you rest peacefully in the bosom of the Lord till we meet to part no more. ADIEU! ADIEU!! ADIEU!!! Michael Chukwudilim Okafor Nanka - Nigeria